Newly redesigned logo

Original logo
Infxous Scrubs
Infxous Scrubs took advantage of the loosing restrictions on scrub “fashion” in hospitals and clinics. Staff were open to the edgy style the Infxous Scrubs provided.
The logo had been created and the owner was ready to take her designs to the next level by sourcing production and selling to distributors and retailers. The first problem was that the logo needed help and the owner needed a professional catalog to take to a big trade show.
The first order of business was to make some adjustments to the logo. It was a good start and the feel of it was inline with the brand, but it needed help. The “X” which was intended to be an anchoring stylistic element was smaller than the other letters and felt disjointed. So I increased the size and color to match the other letters. Then in a stroke of genius (IMO), I tied it in with the “f” so that it mimicked the Rx symbol that represents medicine. I also tucked the tail of the “X” into the start of the word Scrubs so that it drew the viewers eye into the word and anchored it to the rest of the logo. Then I tightened up the kerning (space between letters) to make it a more cohesive unit. I also bumped up the size of the blood droplet over the “i” just a bit. Better wouldn’t you say?! Note that there are some other subtle differences not mentioned. Can you see the differences?
The second order of business was to create a professional grade catalog. We hired a professional photographer and scheduled a shoot to get both product and lifestyle shots. Then it was off to the races to design a catalog to display the clothing line with descriptions, color and fabric options. It was printed on heavy paper with a soft touch coating that gave it a quality feel. It was a hit at the show and the owner was ecstatic.