You know the saying, “Do as I say, not as I do.” This phrase comes to mind often when my clients ask me non-specific questions, like “Do you do Social Media?” or more specific, questions like, “How do I get more Likes on my Facebook page?”
As it turns out, I have had the same questions for my own business and sought out those answers. We all want to grow our businesses, gain more or better customers, sell more product or services and get paid what we are worth. A lot of this is hinged on attracting new customers and turning our existing customers into raving fans that will tell everyone they know about how great we are.
Using traditional paid-media is not a viable or effective option for many small to medium sized businesses, and using social media is the best option. Even big businesses with big budgets realize the additional benefits of using social media and internet technology to reach new customers and retain old ones. I have been through the often times painful learning process of setting up modern websites which have many powerful features like CMS (Content Management System) so you can easily update content after the site is built. They can also have news blogs, automated testimonials, contact forms and eCommerce. Additionally, you can set up your site to share blog post content automatically to Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, RSS and your e-newsletter which saves you time (i.e. money)!
So when you come to me with these important questions, I can honestly say “Do what I do, not just what I say.”
I was searching for a good image to go with this post and ended up with this one showing a frustrated guy at a computer. Luckily the learning pains that I went through like this guy will translate to great success and zero frustration when I tell you to do what I say.