Gates Corporation
Gates is a major sponsor and supplier of belts and hose for Tony Schumacher’s top fuel dragster.
Create a cool looking “Hero Card” to hand out to fans to help cross-promote Tony and Gates.
I designed this oversized card using available images and Tony’s amazing stats. We printed a set with his signature preprinted and a second blank set that he could sign in person.
When I was designing the card I saw his speed record (0 – 100 mph – .8 seconds) because that sounded completely impossible. Imagine the forces on your body slowing down that fast, let alone how impossible it sounds to get a car up to that speed that fast. Luckily I ran it by Jim McLean the marketing director to confirm.
To this day, even after having gone to a live race, I still have a hard time believing that speed record. If you have never been to a live drag race, definitely do go check one out. You don’t have to be a redneck to appreciate it! The speed and power of these cars is shocking. The vibrations will shake your entire body like nothing you have ever experienced. It’s actually kind of frightening at first!